Ribbon Bar

The Ribbon Bar is located at the top of the display. Double-clicking the ribbon bar locks the bar to the screen.


      Save: Saves the Logbook and the selected area as a display file. A saved Logbook display is only a shortcut that points at a specific area.

      Save As: Clicking this button launches the file browser. Here, the file can be saved in a new location and/or with a new name.

      Print Preview: Opens a window that displays a printer-friendly Logbook.

      Print: This button launches the print window. Here the print job can be configured before printing the document.

Display Ribbon

The Display ribbon is divided into two sections: Logbook and Tag Select.

      Open New: Opens a new Logbook entry. See Logbook Add/Edit Window.

      Respond: To respond to an entry, click the entry to select it and click the Respond button from the Ribbon Bar across the top of Logbook. The Logbook Add/Edit window will appear. Only statuses that Allow Responses can be responded to. Statuses can be configured in the Manage Log Status Window.

      Refresh Entries: Click the Refresh Entry button in the Display section of the Ribbon Bar refreshes the Logbook Entries up until the End Date.

      Audit: This will open up the Entry Audit Overview window and allow the user to search for an a history of changes made to entries.

      Lock Areas: A display may be locked by admin users only. This prevents users from changing the selected area, and thus viewing entries in other Logbook areas. The Lock Areas button may be pressed to lock the area before saving. The area can be unlocked, if the current user is admin, by pressing the same button again.

      Hide Closed Entries: Hides all entry threads that are closed.

      Show Expired Notifications: Checking Show Expired Notifications shows entries that have passed their expiration dates.

      Adv. Search Button: The Adv. Search button pulls up a window with a series of options. Select options to filter a search on more specific criteria such as equipment, contact, etc.

      Tag Brower: Opens the Tag Browser.


    Always On Top: Forces the window to stay at the front of the screen.



      PARCview Manual: Opens the help manual for PARCview.

      Examples: Opens the PARCview training videos.