Logbook Add/Edit Window

Selecting the Open New or Respond buttons on the Display ribbon bar or from the Context Menu opens the Logbook Add/Edit Window. Double-click on an entry opens this windows to allow edits.


In Logbook Add/Edit Window, the properties of an entry can be configured.

      High Priority: If the entry that is being created is considered to high priority, then the High Priority check box can be checked. This will send an email to the email address(es) assigned to this area and mark the entry as high priority on the area display.

      Status: The Status drop-down box is to select the status of the entry. There are four statuses available by default. Additional statuses can be created (or existing ones deleted) in the Manage Log Status Window. The default behavior of the default statuses are:

Open: creates an entry that is open for response. Other users who have Add New or Admin access can respond to this entry. The open status does not expire but it can be closed, by making a closing entry as a response to the open entry.

Safety: creates a safety notification. A notification is an entry that will expire after a set amount of time.

General: creates a general notification. It also has an expiration date.

Informational: creates an informational entry, these entries do not expire and they cannot be responded to.

      Area: Sets the area in which the Logbook entry is located. The default area is the area the user was located when Add New was clicked. Changing areas required Add New or Admin privileges in that area.

      Event: The date and time of the Event can either be manually entered by typing in the drop-box or chosen from the calendar selector by clicking the down arrow to the right of the text box. The Created and Modified time properties of the entry are populated automatically and cannot be modified.

      Contact: The author of the entry may leave a contact number or email in the Contact field.

      Subject: A subject for the entry is required, and is entered in the Subject field.

      Crew: Allows the user to indicate the crew involved in the Logbook entry. Crews can be configured in System Configuration and assigned to an area with the Edit Area window.

      Equipment: The Equipment button allows the user to indicate the equipment involved in the Logbook entry. The Equipment Search tool opens a search window in which the Functional Location, Description, and Max # Records can be specified.

      Expiration Date: If a notification is being created (either general or safety) then the expiration is set in the “expiration date” field. One day is the default expiration. The date can be manually entered or the buttons located below can alter the date by the specified amount. By selecting the down arrow on the right side of the box a calendar is displayed and the desired date can be selected. Expired entries are hidden unless Show Expired Notifications is checked in the Display Ribbon.

      Last Modified: The date and time in which the Logbook entry was last modified is displayed here, this text box cannot be edited by the user. It is used for auditing purposes.

      From: The author of the entry is shown in the From field.

      Entry: The Entry section is a large text box to write either a comment or a response. Both will appear in the “Comment” column of the Logbook. The entry field is a rich text field, so it can accept not only text but also images and general formatting such as font changes.

      Documents: Add a new document to be associated with the Logbook entries. This will display a browse window where a file can be attached to the entry. A description of the document can be added in the File Description column.

      URLs: Typing the URL in the field or copy and pasting a URL from an internet browser adds a URL to the Logbook entry. A description of the URL can be added.

      Edit: If the user has admin access to the area then the entry can be edited by selecting the Edit button on the bottom of the entry. This Edit button only appears to admin users who have double-clicked on the entry to open it or, if the Allow Users to Re-edit Their Log Entries setting in enabled, to the user who created the entry.

      Respond: The respond button appears when viewing an entry that can be responded to.

      Save: The save button appears when the user is editing an existing entry or creating a new entry.