Plot Area Right-Click Menu

Right-click the plot area of a trend to open the context menu.

Zoom: To zoom in on a specific time period, select the region by clicking on start time and dragging to an end time or vice versa. After selecting the region, click the  button or the zoom button in the right-click menu. The mouse’s scroll wheel can also be used to zoom in and out from the cursor’s position. Zoom is disabled when markers are on.

Sync: Synchronizes all trends in the multi-trend to the timespan of the selected trend.

AutoSync: Toggles all trends to automatically sync to the same timespan when any timespan in the multi-trend is changed. Note: if the trend is in run mode this option is replace with Sync Trends To Runs, see below.

Clone: Creates a popup trend display of the chosen trend.

Run Browser: Opens the Run Browser.

Assign Cause: Opens the Assign Cause window.

Save Event: Manually creates an event in the database. Applied to highlighted timespan.

Time Type: Changing the time type of a trend forces all tags to show the selected type of data. Default uses whatever tag switch is currently applied (/PLOT, /TAVG, etc.). The Plot setting forces plot reduction for all tags. The Raw setting displays every data point for all tags. Second, Minute, Hour, and Day take the time-weighted average over the given interval and plot the point at the start of the interval, aligned to the beginning of the second, minute, hour, or day.

Time Span: Opens a window that allows exact timespan entry. Either enter an absolute start time and end time or a delta time. The delta time section adds the amount of time entered to the start date to find an end date.

Projected Data: Shows projected data for the future. The current data and the projected data are separated by a blue vertical line. The projected data is shown in a dashed trend line. Projected data only works if the source has been configured to have projected data in System Configuration.

Add Calc: Begins process of creating a client-side calculated tag by opening the New Calc Tag Name window. Clicking OK will open the Script Editor.

Reset: Reloads the entire Trend Display back to its last-saved state.

Markers: Toggles two vertical markers showing specific values and time-based differences.

SmartMouse: Toggles SmartMouse. SmartMouse shows the value for all the tags at the cursor position. A box appears displaying the timestamp, value, tag description, and any active limits for each tag in the Trend. The colors of the information match the colors of the trend lines. A vertical line at the timestamp appears in all trends in the multi-trend for visual comparison.

Multi- Smart Mouse: Toggles Multi-SmartMouse.  Multi-SmartMouse works in the same was SmartMouse, but it shows the values for the timestamp in all of the trends in the multi-trend.

Charts: Multiple charts can be opened from the plot area. Clicking on a chart button opens a chart using all of the tags in the trend.

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT): Changes the trend from time-based to frequency-based for finding cycles in data. The user must enter a maximum frequency for the trend.

Tabular: Opens a Tabular Chart.

Histogram: Opens a Histogram Chart.

Pareto: Opens a Pareto Chart.

X-Y Plot: Opens an X-Y chart.

Quick Statistics: Toggles the statistics grid for the selected trend. Column visibility can be toggled in Tag Info Grid Properties. Each row in the Quick Statistics Grid contains information for a single tag.

Note: Quick Statistics are most likely calculated from a plot-reduced set of data and should therefore only be treated as approximations of actual statistics.

Color: The color of the tag’s trend line.

Name: Short name of the tag.

Avg: The time-weighted average over the timespan.

Raw Avg: The raw average over the timespan.

Std Dev: The standard deviation of the tag’s values.

Min: The lowest value within the timespan.

Max: The highest value within the timespan.

Count: The number of data points within the timespan.

Sum: The sum of all the data points in the timespan. This column is toggled using the Sum setting in the Tag Info Grid Properties.

B & W: Inverts black and white colors in the trend.

Print: Opens Print dialog. Toggles B&W before printing. (Tip: to actually print in black, first toggle B&W and then print).

Snapshot: Capture and interact with data while offline.

Play: In playback mode, only the captured data is displayed.

Stop: Exit playback mode.

Rewind: Reset the Trend’s timespan to the total span of the captured data.

Erase: Removes the Snapshot captured data from the Trend file.

Cut: If a slice of time is highlighted, this option removes the data in that span from the captured data.

Capture: Saves all of the tag data known to the Trend in the Trend file.

Export Data: Opens an export data dialog that allows users to choose normalization methods and where to export data: Clipboard or Tabular Chart.

To Step Size: Selecting To Step Size and entering a timespan in the text box normalizes data to a specific time interval. The timespan must be a factor of seconds (S), minutes (M), hours (H), or days (D). Only values at the timestamps selected by the time interval are read, and no averaging occurs.

To Manual: The trend reads the list of timestamps defined for the first tag in the tag set whose interpolation type is manual. Then it interpolates the values of the remaining tags to these timestamps. This setting is useful when comparing a manual-type tag with continuous-type process data tags. If no manual-type tags are detected, the first tag in the list is treated as the manual tag.

To All Times: Retrieves data from all available timestamps. If Interpolate Manual is not checked, any tag whose interpolation type is manual will not have  its values interpolated, and only shows a value at timestamps that have a raw value. If it is checked, manual-type tags have their values interpolated to all available timestamps.

None: Retrieves all available data with no normalization.

Export to Clipboard: Copies the tag names, descriptions, values and timestamps to the clipboard, from where it can be pasted into other programs, like Microsoft Excel.

Export to Tabular: Creates a Tabular Chart display with the Trend’s tags and timespan and the specified interpolation setting preloaded.

Include milliseconds: Shows millisecond values on the timestamps in the exported data.

Trend Image to Clipboard: Captures an image of the trend and copies it to the Clipboard.

Number Trends: Use this feature to create a MultiTrend. Either select the number of subtrends from the list on the left or “draw” the footprint of the MultiTrend.

Merge Trend: Combines trends into a larger trend. Only the tags from the upper left trend remain in the merged trend. The first trend selected is the trend that is merged into a larger trend using trends down and to the right of its position. This is used to create subtrends of different sizes within a MultiTrend.

Configure: Opens the Trend Properties window on the Trend Config tab.

Run Mode Option

When a Trend is in run mode, the AutoSync option is replaced with Sync Trends to Runs. See Run Browser for more information on enabling run mode.

Sync Trends to Runs: Synchronizes all trends in the multi-trend to the run set of the selected trend.