
These options control various Trend behaviors.

Interp Values While Markers Are On: When calculating the M1, M2, Delta values, this option determines whether to interpolate values to the timestamp of the marker or to use the point before the marker.

Refresh Rate: How often the trend retrieves current data, in seconds.

Reload Rate: How often the trend reloads all data, in minutes. If left blank, trend will not reload historical data automatically. This is useful for trending lab data they may be entered minutes or hours after its actual timestamp, but note that this setting may also impact performance if the trend has tags with dense data.

Trend Name: A Custom name for the Trend. Replace “Description” Header with Trend Name must be enabled to see the Trend Name on the display.

Use Square Wave for Tag Based Limits: For tag based limits, the Trend draws a vertical line to the new limit when it changes.

Start Trend with AutoSync On: Enables AutoSync when Trend loads.

Default Time Type: Time Type of data when Trend loads.

Default: The default setting for the tag or currently applied tag switch.

Plot: Forces all tags to use plot reduction logic for retrieving and displaying data.

Raw: Forces all tags to get every data point for the Trend.

Second: Forces all tags to retrieve and plot second data if it is available in the source.

Minute: Forces all tags to retrieve and plot minute data if it is available in the source.

Hour: Forces all tags to retrieve and plot hourly data if it is available in the source.

Day: Forces all tags to retrieve and plot daily data if it is available in the source.

Trend Rotation: Rotates the trend 90 degrees or not at all.