Tag Information Window

These options control the appearance of the Tag Info Grid.

Visible: Whether the Tag Info Grid is visible.

Show Description Line: Whether the column headers are visible (Tag, Description, etc.)

Show UTag: Whether the Tag column is visible.

Show Tag Description: Whether the Description column is visible.

Show Units: Whether the Units column is visible.

Show Y-Axis Min Value: Whether the Min column is visible.

Show Y-Axis Max Value: Whether the Max column is visible.

Show Current Value: Whether the Current column is visible.

Auto Size Column Widths: Automatically resize column widths when the Trend is resized.

Replace “Description” Header With Trend Name: If checked, use value in Trend Name field for header of Description column.

Scroll Vertical: Locks the number of rows to the # Tag rows in grid property and adds scroll bars when the Trend has more tags than the #Tag Rows In Grid value rather than adding additional rows to the Tag Info Grid.

# Tag Rows In Grid: The minimum number of rows shown in the Tag Info Grid.  If Scroll Vertical is enabled, then this setting determines the number of rows displayed with a scroll bar. The size of the Trend window may need to be adjusted to apply changes.