
The X-axis section controls how the time axis appears and how the timespan behaves.

Show X-Axis Labels: Show or hide incremental time labels on X-axis.



Show Navigation Controls: Show or hide X-axis buttons.



Default Timespan: Default timespan of the trend in hours (H), days (D), minutes (M) or seconds (S). Applies upon load or resetting timespan to default. There is a site-wide setting for the initial Default Timespan for new trend in System Configuration under System Defaults.

Normal Future %: Percentage of the plot area on the right reserved for future time. New data fills this space and when the trend line reaches the end of the trend, the X-axis shifts back, leaving this percentage of the screen available for new data. For example, with a value of 50, trend lines would build from the middle to the edge, then reset and build from the middle again.

Projected Timespan: The amount of time to show after the current time when Projected Data is enabled.

Absolute Start: Always loads the Trend with a fixed start date. This feature is useful for investigating a specific event in the past.

Absolute End: Always loads the Trend with a fixed end date.

Fill Times: Fill Absolute Start and Absolute End fields with current start and end time of trend.

Clear Times: Clear Absolute Start and Absolute End fields.