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      Edit XAML: Opens the Edit XAML window, where XAML code can be directly modified and verified.

      Edit Code: Opens the Edit Code window, where custom code can be written for the display.

      Delete Code: Opens prompt to delete all code behind the display.


Data Source

      UTag List: Opens the UTag List window, which shows a view of all the UTags used by the display.



      Size: Sets the density of grid lines. Use the up and down arrows or manually enter a value.

      Snap: Enables snap-to-grid. When snap is enabled, the adorners of objects will automatically snap to grid line intersections.

      Grid: Enables the grid.

      Ruler: Enables the ruler around the left and top edges of the canvas.



      Restore Panel Layout: If moving or closing the PARCgraphics Designer panels produces an undesired result, this option resets the panels to their default layout.

      User Options: Opens the User Options window.

      Validate and Clean: Opens the Validate and Clean window.



The initial zoom region of a PARCgraphics WPF Display determines which section of the display will be immediately visible when it is loaded. Use the Set Zoom and Clear Zoom options to define the initial zoom region.


      Set Zoom: Toggles on the zoom editing mode. When zoom edit mode is enabled, this button remains highlighted. To specify an initial zoom area, manipulate the zoom region (transparent green rectangle) over the desired area on the canvas. The zoom region can be adjusted using its adorners (blue dots) just like other display elements. Note that the zoom region can only be manipulated when the base canvas is selected. After defining the initial zoom region, click Set Zoom again to exit the zoom edit mode.

      Clear Zoom: Removes the specified initial zoom region.