PARCview Explorer

The PARCview Explorer is the main PARCview window that is opened upon launching the program. From here, all other windows, tools, and displays can be accessed. The window will remain open while running PARCview. To run PARCview, go to the Start menu and find and select PARCview. A shortcut on the desktop may also be available and is displayed as a binoculars Icon.

If PARCsecurity is enabled, account login will be required on launch.

To exit PARCview, click File and Exit

This also closes all displays currently open. With multiple monitors, it is common to forget to close displays on one of the monitors, but using this method ensures that PARCview closes completely.

Folder Panel

The left window of the PARCview Explorer contains the Folder Browser for navigation to the desired location to find PARCview displays. The Folder Browser is similar to Windows Explorer.  Expand the folder tree by clicking on the  button to the left of the folder name. The button will rotate and turn black when the folder is opened. Click the button again to close a folder. 

The right-click menu of a file or folder includes options to delete, rename, or create new files and folders. To add a new folder, right-click on any folder and select Add Folder. A new folder will appear with a highlighted text box. Type the desired folder name and press the enter key. Displays can now be added to this folder.

Displays Panel

The right window shows the displays available in the current folder.

Double click on a display to open it in a new window. This is an example of a Trend display:

Click on the  button to minimize the display for later retrieval. To reshow the minimized display, hover the mouse over the PARCview icon in the taskbar at the bottom of the screen and click on the display. From the display window, click the Application Button and select Close on the display to return to the display tree.

To rename a display, right-click on the name, click Rename, type the new name and click Enter.

To delete a display, right-click on the display name, and click Delete. On the prompt “Are you sure you want to Delete?” select OK to delete the display. Displays can be copied from one folder to another in the Folder Tree. To copy a display, right-click on the display name and click Copy, then right-click on a folder and click Paste or select a folder and right-click in the displays panel and select Paste.

Navigation Buttons

Move to different folders within the Folder Tree with the Navigation Buttons.

From left to right, the button functions are:

1.  Collapse/Expand: Hides or reveals subfolders in the Folder Tree.

2.  Home: Navigates to the Home Folder that opens upon launch of PARCview. To set a location as home, navigate to the location and then right-click the Home icon and select Set Home.

3.  Back: Navigates back to the previously accessed folder.

4.  Forward: If the back button has been pressed, this goes forward to the previously accessed subfolder.

5.  Recent Locations: Shows links to recently viewed folders.

6.  Up One Level: Opens the folder location one folder up in the Folder Tree hierarchy.


The search bar searches for file names within the current folder, much like in Windows Explorer. It will search through all subfolders.