Logbook Display

The Logbook Display is divided into an areas section and a Logbook section. In the area section, the user can choose an area from the area tree to view entries associated with the specified area.

1.   Areas: Hierarchical Logbook area tree. Areas can be configured individually and can contain Logbook Entries.

2.   Entries: Logbook Entries. Entries are a set of values for preconfigured fields, like entry time or contact, as well as free-form text entry.

3.   Hide Areas: When viewing Logbook it is possible to hide the area tree and expand the viewing area for the entries, by clicking the Hide Areas Button. The areas can be shown again by clicking the show areas button.

4.   Reset All Filters Button: The Reset All Filters button will reset the start and end time filters to their default values and clear the status and search filters.

5.   Start Date-Time: This drop-down window allows the user to pick the Start Date-Time for the Logbook entries. Used for searching Logbook entries.

6.   End Date-Time: This drop-down window allows the user to pick the End Date-Time for the Logbook entries. Used for searching Logbook entries.

7.   Status: Using the Status drop-down window entries can be filtered based on status. Statuses can be configured in the Manage Log Status Window.

8.   Search: Entering keywords finds entries that contain specified keywords or names. This feature is used for searching Logbook entries. The default search filters are Subject, From, and Entry.

9.   Adv. Search Button: The Adv. search button pulls up a window with a series of options. Selecting specific headings filters a search on specific criteria.