Child Tags

To add a Child Tag, open the Tag Browser. Make sure that the desired row in the Master Tags table is selected. Select a tag in the Tag Browser and drag it to the Child Tags table. The child tag’s process area, tag name and description will autopopulate.

      Removing Child Tag: To remove a Child Tag, select its row and press the Delete key.

The Child Tags tab is divided into 5 columns.      

      Process: The process area is where the tag is located.

      Child UTag: The name of the Child Tag.

      Description: The child tag’s description.

      Index Name: The index to which a tag is assigned.

      Default: If there are more than one child tags from the same process area, the Master Tag will read data from this Child Tag.

      Control Limit and Spec Limit: Determines whether the child tag will use the master tag’s limit definitions for the specified limit type.

Default: Uses the behavior for master tag limits specified in System Configuration.

Always Use Master: The child tag will always use the Master Tag’s limits.

Never Use Master: The child tag will never use the Master Tag’s limits.

Tag Indexes

Child tags can be indexed such that similar tags from different processes areas can be grouped into an indexed master tag.

In many cases the child tags of a master tag will be part of a logical grouping or set. For example, consider a set of tags that take readings at the front, center and back of a conveyor. If this logical grouping of tags is replicated in multiple process areas, these position-specific tags could be indexed so that one master tag would represent all tags that take readings at the front position.

      Index Name: In the Index Name field, go to the Tag Indexes tab type in a name for an index to create it. This will add an index specific Master Tag and allow Child Tags to be assigned an index.