Waterfall Displays

In PARCview versions 5.5 and earlier, Waterfall was an independent display type. As of PARCview 5.6, Waterfalls are now a type of Trend display.

The unique features of a profile-type trend include:

      Plot position-based data from an array-type “profile” tag or from an explicit tag list. Profile tag information is configured in properties.

      Use the Waterfall Options panel to launch Run Browser and to see and modify the value to color mapping.

      Cross Direction (CD) and Machine Direction (MD) Charts summarize data by position and by time.

      A Waterfall-specific Trend theme provides a distinct look and feel.

Many of Trend’s standard features, such as Time Navigation, Run Mode, Zooming, and SmartMouse are available in Waterfalls, as well.

To convert a Trend into a Waterfall, in Trend Properties on the Profile Tag Config tab, check the Enabled property. This tab is also the primary tab for configuring a Waterfall.

On the Profile Tag Config tab, if the Save Trend as Waterfall property is checked, this file will be saved as the Waterfall display file type. This is used to preserve legacy file path links, etc. The file will also have the Waterfall icon in PARCview Explorer.

All Waterfalls created in pre-5.6 versions of PARCview will have this option checked by default.