Trend Run Browser

The Run Browser can be launched as a separate window from any Trend to configure how runs are loaded in the trend. This section covers settings that are specific to the trend’s run browser.


The Settings Ribbon contains options on how runs load and appear in trends.

On/Off Indicator: Shows whether the trend is currently in run mode.

Stop Button: Click this button to exit run mode.

Load Runs in Trend: Generates runs using user-defined criteria and loads them in the trend.

Send Runs to Grid: Generates runs using user-defined criteria and loads individual runs in the Runs Grid, from where they can be selectively loaded into the trend by the user.

Save Browser Config: Saves the settings in the current tab. Run Browser will open to this tab with these settings in all trends until the configuration is overwritten by another save. This option does not save Start or End times.

Enable Current Mode: Selecting this option will include any current, unfinished run (if available) in run search. It is only available when the Run Filter tab is used.

Apply To All Trends: If Run Browser is launched from a multi-trend, this will cause the run browser filter to affect all trends in the window.

Run Mode

      Consecutive: Runs will be shown consecutively on the trend. This is mostly used for continuous processes.


      Compare: Runs will be overlaid in the trend. This is mostly used for batch processes.


Show Run Dividers: Shows Bold yellow lines between run periods in a consecutive trend, as seen in the Consecutive runs example.

X Axis

Contains options to configure the X-Axis of the trend.

X Axis Mode

The X-Axis Mode drop down menu configures what variable is plotted on the X-Axis.

      Time: Graphs time vs trend data

      Maturity Time: Time since the beginning of the current period.

      Maturity Tag Value: The value of the tag configured as the maturity tag for the process.

The Normalization drop down menu configures how the maturity variable is normalized for batch comparison.

      None: This will plot the batch data vs. the maturity tag value.

      Mean: This will normalize the maturity variables to average (mean) value of all the final maturity values.

      Median: This will normalize the maturity variables to the median value of all the final maturity values.

      Max: This will normalize to the maximum maturity value of all the batches.

      Min: This will normalize to the minimum maturity value of all the batches.

      User Defined: This will normalize to a maturity value set by the user in the User Max box.