Tag List

The tag list presents tags in a searchable list format.

Tag List Columns

The tag table’s columns contain information about each row’s tag.

      Tag: The short tag name.

      Description: The long description to explain the tag.

      Units: The unit type of the tag’s values, if applicable.

      Plot Min: The Y-axis minimum when the tag is in a trend.

      Plot Max: The Y-axis maximum when the tag is in a trend.

      Process: This is accessible in the Master and Source tabs when checked under Show/Hide. It is the tag’s assigned process area.

      Source: This is accessible in the Master tab. It is the tag’s data source.

      Loop Number: This is accessible in the Master tab. It is the OPC tag name/loop number.

Sorting Tags

Tags can be sorted alphabetically in a column. This type of sorting is available under all three tabs in the Tag Browser. Clicking once or twice on a column header will sort the tags in ascending and descending alphabetical order. It will be in ascending alphabetical order if the small black triangle at the edge of the column header is pointing upward, , and descending alphabetical order if the small black triangle is pointing downward,  .

Searching for Tags

Check and uncheck the Column Filters option to switch between searching within one column and searching within all columns. Searches are not case sensitive and special characters can be used to narrow or broaden the search.

Use * as a wildcard replacement a sequence of characters. For instance, the search string “pm1*flow” will return results that have the text “pm1” before “flow”, with any number of characters in between.

Use ? as a wildcard replacement for a single character. For example, “243_??_5” will return tag names with exactly two characters between the underscores, whereas “243_???_5” will return tag names with exactly three characters.

Use ^ at the beginning of a search string to filter for leading characters. For example, “^steam” will return results that start with “steam”.

Use $ at the end of a search string to filter for trailing characters. For example, “avg$” will return results that end with “avg”.