
Use this tab to configure password-based security. Another option is to use PARCsecurity for role-based permissions.

PARCsuite Configuration Password

The master password for PARCview. This password can be used to override any password prompt and to open any locked display.

Enter the “Old Password” followed by the “New Password”.

Enter the password again in “Confirm Password” to insure that it has been typed properly. Do not copy and paste it from one field to another. This prevents verification.

Click the “Change” button for the password to take effect.

Limit/Grade Configuration Password

A password is required to gain access to locations where the limits (Spec and Control) are configured.

TracSuite & PARCmodel Configuration Password

A password is required to gain access to the TracSuite and PARCmodel extensions.

Calc Script & Tag Saving Password
A password is required to create and save calc tags and formulas.
Report Designer Password

A password is required to gain access to PARCreport Designer.

PARCalarm Configuration Password

A password is required to gain access to and configure PARCalarm Configuration.

PARCalarm Allow Event Edits Password

A password is required to make edits to events in PARCalarm.

MDE Configuration Password

A password is required to open the MDE Configuration window.

Master Tag Configuration Password

A password is required to open the Master Tag Editor window.