
The Reason Tree tab is used to define the various reasons that can be assigned to alarm events. The pre-configured, hierarchical structure enables consistent reporting and root-cause analysis.

      Assign: Checking this allows a reason to be assigned. Branches that are only used as roots for other branches and are not reasons themselves should not have Assign checked off.

      Inherit: The branch will inherit categories from upper branches. This minimizes the effort when multiple branches will use the same categories in their children branches. Categories are used to the filter the reason tree.

      Full Reason: The Full Reason will automatically be built from the tree.

      Active: Toggles the visibility of the reason and all branches of the reason in PARCview.

      Right-Click Menu

Add: Adds a reason branch below a reason.

Add Root: Adds a reason at the highest level.

Rename: To rename a reason, double-click on the reason and enter a new name.

Delete: Opens the Delete Reason window.

§ Delete: Deletes the Reason.

§ Replace: This feature is no longer available.

§ Unassign: This feature is no longer available.

Copy: Copies the reason and all its branches to be moved in the reason tree.

Paste: Pastes copied reasons as branches under the selected reason.

Share/Unshare: For causes that are applicable in multiple process areas, sharing a reason will cause them to be grouped together in reports. Unsharing will separate reasons on the report.

      Evidence: Clicking in the Assigned Evidence field displays a drop-down menu of all Evidence codes that have been set up via the Evidence Tab. Select one or more Evidence codes to associate with the Cause.

      Category: Click in the Assigned Category field to display a drop-down menu of all categories that have been set up via the Categories Tab. Select one or more categories to associate with the Cause.