Message Log

The Message Log is shown in the main PARCmessage window and displays all current messages. The data is split into columns for each message.

      Log Time: The time the message was recorded.

      Severity: The type of message, such as Error or Information

      Program: The program that generated the message.

      Message: The description of the error or message that occurred.

      Routine: The specific operation that produced the error.

      Command Line: The full file path of the application (.exe file) that caused the message.  

Right-Click Menu

Right-click on the Message Log area to display several options for copying and clearing data.

      Copy Selection: Copies only the selected cell(s) or row(s) to the clipboard.

      Copy All: Copies all messages in the window to the clipboard.

      Clear Row: Deletes the message in the selected row.

      Clear All: Deletes all messages in the window permanently.