MDE Display

Right-Click Menu

The right-click menu changes depending on what part of the display is clicked on. Clicking on an MDE tag’s cell will display the entire right-click menu.

      Delete Record: Deletes a record.

      Add Comment: Adds a comment to the cell. Cells will comments will have a marker.

      Configure Limits: Allows the user to configure limits for the MDE tag. An admin password is required and the Edit Tag Limits window will open.

      Show Trend: Displays a trend of the tag.

      Show Record Audit: To view the history for the data, right-click on the anywhere on the desired row and click on Show Audit. This will open a new window with the history of the data on that row.

      Show Tag Audit: Shows a history of changes made to the tag for that timestamp.

      Refresh All Cells Seed Data: Reloads all data from the seed tags.

      Lock Tag Cells: Prevents edits to all tags in that row for that timestamp.

      Unlock Tag Cells: Allow edits to locked tags.

      Sort: Sorts the MDE display by either Ascending or Descending order based on the values of the column. The sort can also be removed.

      Make Other Columns This Wide: Makes all Tag columns the same width as the current column.

      Configure: Opens the MDE Configuration page.


1.  Required Value: A border around a cell indicates that it is missing a required value. The MDE will be unable to save the entry until the value is entered. By default this border is red.

2.  Pencil: Indicates that new data has not yet been stored.