
Logbook functionality can be tailored for the local PC.


      Allow Multiline Rows in Log Grid: Contains options on how much data can be displayed in a Logbook at once

Use Global Setting: Uses the System Configuration Setting. If none is defined, it defaults to Yes.

Yes: The full message can be displayed on each row in the logbook. One long message can fill the entire display. 

No: Only the first line of each historical logbook entry will be displayed in a Logbook.



      Logbook Default Area: The process area that Logbook will default to when a new Logbook is opened.



      Logbook Max Number of Entries: This option allows the configuration of a maximum number of the most recent entries to be retrieved. It is possible that selection of a long timespan will result in a large number of returned records causing the computer to be very slow to respond. This option allows a user to configure a long enough timespan that ensures a minimum of Max Entries will be returned without getting overloaded.