
A PARCview location in most cases corresponds to a site. More specifically, it corresponds to a single dataPARC configuration database. For customers with multiple sites, the location tab can be used to define database connections to multiple locations so that data from more than one site can be viewed simultaneously in PARCview.

The Location name is the minimum configuration required on this screen for the local plant. The rest of the fields are required when viewing other plants.

      Name: Name of the plant. This is used in the TagName to define the location. It is best to keep this name short but uniquely descriptive. No spaces allowed.

      DSN: The database connection string to that site’s database.  Can be a UDL in the form of “File Name = Path to UDL” or the full DSN.

      Timezone: (Not in use yet) Identifies the time zone for the location.

      Time Server: (Not in use yet) Identifies a common sever at given location so that all clients at the location can synchronize time.

      Data Path: (Not in use yet)

      History Path (Not in use yet)

      Configuration Path (Not in use yet)

      Active: Allows the Location to be used in PARCview.