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      Master Tag Source: Available Master sources appear in the drop-down menu.

      New Master Source: Master Tags belong to a dedicated source. A new Master Source is created by select New Master Source from the ribbon bar. A new Master Source can only be added to the Default Location.

      Save: Clicking the Save button saves all changes.

      Reload: Clicking the Reload button reloads the editor to its last saved state. All unsaved changes will be lost.

      Tag Browser: Opens the Tag Browser.

      Show Disabled Tags: A master tag cannot be permanently deleted in the Master Tag Editor. Selecting a master tag’s row and pressing delete will allow the tag to be disabled. To show inactive master tags, check Show Disabled Tags. This adds an “Active” column to the Master Tags table. Whether a master tag is active or disabled can be toggled using the checkboxes in this column.

      Group by Process: Changes the view of the editor, so that child tags are grouped by process.