Edit Sites

Use the Edit Sites window to modify and test site connections.


Site: Name of site connection. Should be a short string with no spaces, and often matches the Location name. When a site is selected in the left panel, the corresponding connection definitions are shown in the right panel. A site can have multiple connection definitions for redundancy and failover purposes.


Order: The order in which to attempt to connect using the specified connection definition.


DSN: Database connection information for the dataPARC SQL configuration database. Typically a file path to a .UDL file that contains the connection information. Use the syntax “FILE NAME=” before the file path. Click the ellipsis button (…) to launch a file browser.

Display Path: Folder path for shared PARCview displays directory. Click the ellipsis button (…) to launch a file browser.

Set as Default: Set the selected site as the default site. PARCview will automatically use the default site’s connection information upon startup unless Prompt for site at startup is checked in Select Site.

Test: Test the specified connection information.



Save: Save the specified connection information.

Close: Close Edit Sites.