Design Ribbon

The Design tab includes options for adding controls to the report as well as indicating what type and the format of data those controls should display.


      Preview: Opens the Reporting System to generate a report based on the last saved state. (F5). Also used to create and save report parameters (user-supplied values for report creation).

      Paste: Pastes from the Clipboard. (Ctrl+V)

      Cut: Cuts the selection to the Clipboard. (Ctrl+X)

      Copy: Copies the selection to the Clipboard. (Ctrl+C)

      Delete: Deletes the selection. (Delete)

      Undo: Undoes the last change. (Ctrl+Z)

      Redo: Redoes the last change. (Ctrl+Y)


      Font Type: Sets the font type for the selected text.

      Font Size: Sets the font size for the selected text.

      Increase Font Size: Clicking the button to increases the font size to the next available size.

      Decrease Font Size: Clicking the button to lowers the font size to the next available size.

      Toggle Bold: Turns text to bold. (Ctrl+B)

      Toggle Italic: Turns text to italic. (Ctrl+I)

      Underline: Underlines text. (Ctrl+U)

      Left Align: Sends text to the left in a control.

      Center: Centers text in a control.

      Right Align: Sends text to the right in a control.

      Justify Text: Justifies text to right side of control.

      Text Color: Sets text color.

      Fill Color: Sets control background color (can also be set in properties).


      Sorting and Grouping: Opens the Sorting and Grouping window to pick what fields to group into sections.

      Data Source: Opens the Select a Data Source Window to allow editing query and connection information.

      Report Info: Opens form to allow editing the following meta-data for the report: Title, Author, Subject, Creator, and Keywords. Checking Apply This Information to All, assigns the information to all subreports as well the current report.


The fields section allows the user to draw controls onto the report by clicking on one of the following buttons and then dragging a rectangular field onto the report.

      Arrow: If the cursor is currently set to draw an object (i.e. a control) then clicking this will cancel it out. Right-clicking will also cancel drawing a control.

      Data Field: This will list the available data fields in the data query and allow fields from the list to be added the report as a label.  Note that if the data source (query, connection string, etc.) is changed and the Data Field button turns grey, it means the data source did not compile or returned no valid fields.

      Label: Add a label for a non-data-based, non-calculated field.

      Add Checkbox: Draw a checkbox that populates based on field data.

      Add Calculated Field: Adds a scripted label to the report.

      Add Bound Picture:  Add a field that accepts a picture from the data query. Data types that can be used in this field include the IMAGE and VARBINARY data types.

      Add Subreport: Add a subreport to the report.

      Add Barcode: Add a barcode field from the data query.

      Add Common Calculated Field: Add a script from a commonly used subset such as page numbering.

      Add Line: Add a line to the report.

      Add Page Break: Add a forced page break into the report.

      Add RTF Field: This feature is not implemented in the current version of PARCreport. The textbox will not render correctly.

      Add Unbound Picture: Add a picture to the report based on the file path. The image is saved into the report, so the path does not need to be a UNC path.

      Add Rectangle: Add a box to the report. Visual only.


      Property Grid: Sets the tab of the left window to show the properties for the currently selected control.

      Field List: Sets the tab of the left window to be the list of available fields from the data query.

      Zoom: Zooms the window in on the report for working on fine details.