Arrange Ribbon


      Preview: Opens the Reporting System to generate a report based on the last saved state. (F5)

      Paste: Pastes from the Clipboard. (Ctrl+V)

      Cut: Cuts the selection to the Clipboard. (Ctrl+X)

      Copy: Copies the selection to the Clipboard. (Ctrl+C)

      Delete: Deletes the selection. (Delete)

      Undo: Undoes the last change. (Ctrl+Z)

      Redo: Redoes the last change. (Ctrl+Y)


A style is chosen when a report is first created. The AutoFormat section is used to choose a different style for the report, reapply styles, and create tables.

      Styles: Opens the Report Style Editor. Choosing a Style from the Style Gallery displays a preview of the style. Clicking Apply, applies the new style to the report. Clicking the Add button will create a new style template based on the report’s current settings.

      Apply Style: Reapplies the style template to remove any changes.

      As Table Row: Creates a table using the selected controls. The setting will be greyed out unless multiple controls are selected.


      Grid Properties: Opens the C1Report Designer Options Window.

      Snap to Grid: Fits objects in the report to the gridlines.

      Show Grid: Makes the gridlines visible in the designer. Gridlines will not be visible on the generate report.

      Lock Fields: Prevents the user from moving controls.

Control Alignment

The control alignment section will not be available unless multiple controls are selected. Holding the Shift or Ctrl key while clicking on controls allows multi-selection.

      Left: Aligns the left border of the selected controls.

      Right: Aligns the right border of the selected controls.

      Center: Aligns the center of the selected controls vertically.

      Top: Aligns the top border of the selected controls.

      Bottom: Aligns the bottom border of the selected controls.

      Middle: Aligns the center of the selected controls horizontally.


Other than Bring to Front and Send to Back, the position section will not be available unless multiple controls are selected. Holding the Shift or Ctrl key while clicking on controls allows multi-selection.

      Bring to Front: Brings the control to the front of the report, in front of all other objects.

      Send to Back: Sends the control to the back of the report, behind all other objects.

      Equal Horizontal: Spaces the controls equal distances away from each other horizontally.

      Increase Horizontal: Increases the horizontal spacing between controls.

      Decrease horizontal: Decreases the horizontal spacing between controls.

      Equal Vertical: Spaces the controls equal distances away from each other vertically.

      Increase Vertical: Increases the vertical spacing between controls.

      Decrease Vertical: Decreases the vertical spacing between controls.


The size section will not be available unless multiple controls are selected. Holding the Shift or Ctrl key while clicking on controls allows multi-selection.

      To Grid: Moves the control(s) to touch the nearest gridline above it.

      To Tallest: Changes the size of all selected controls to match the tallest selected field.

      To Shortest: Changes the size of all selected controls to match the shortest selected field.

      Size to Grid: Changes the size of the selected control(s) to touch the top nearest gridlines above and below it.

      To Widest: Changes the size of all selected controls to match the widest selected field.

      To Narrowest: Changes the size of all selected controls to match the narrowest selected field.